Wednesday 2 April 2014

Beverly Crusher

Commander Beverly Crusher was the Chief Medical Officer aboard the USS Enterprise under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard.  Crusher was born in Copernicus City on Earth’s moon on October 13, 2324.  She attended Starfleet Academy from 2342 to 2350.  She had a husband stationed on the USS Stargazer but he died when he was on a faraway mission.  Crusher mourned his death but never let this life event affect the performance of her duties.

Crusher left the Enterprise for a few years to become the Head of Starfleet Medical in 2365.  She enjoyed the adventure of Enterprise voyages so she returned to the ship a year later and remained in the field for the remainder of her career.

Doctor Crusher had to deal with many various epidemics aboard the Enterprise.  She had to come up with cures very fast as the epidemics spread very rapidly and as a person she could catch them too.  An example of one disease the Enterprise faced occurred when students returned from a field trip to a nearby planet.  When they came back, a terrible and deadly respiratory virus almost killed the whole crew. Crusher successfully found a cure before it was too late.

Crusher was a fully-certified Bridge Officer. She commanded the Enterprise on many occasions.  One time was in 2370 she commanded the Enterprise after a Borg attack when nearly the entire crew was on a Borg planet searching for Data. Her quick thinking during this command allowed the Enterprise to escape and destroy the Borg ship. Crusher helped keep the Enterprise safe from the Borg many times during her career.  Doctor Crusher was well known as a doctor that resisted the Borg by helping try  to cure those they rescued from the Borg.

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