Tuesday 15 April 2014

Benjamin Sisko

Benjamin’s life was prophetic from the start.  His human mother was possessed by a non-linear alien species, known as a prophet, who lived in the unknown Bajron wormhole.  The Prophet ensured the birth of Benjamin in 2332 in city of New Orleans on Earth to make his prophecy come true.  Benjamin later became known at the Emissary of the Prophets to the Bajoran people for discovering the Bajoran wormhole. 

During his childhood years, Sisko and his siblings were taught by their father to cook their own food as his father owned a restaurant.  It was ironic, that his father believed that replicated food was wrong yet Sisko was expected to beam himself each night in 2359 from the Starfleet Academy to New Orleans for a family dinner. 

In 2354, Benjamin met his first wife Jennifer after he had completed his studies as a Starfleet Engineer.  She was very devoted to Benjamin and followed him throughout his career.  During their extended stay on Deep Space 9, his only son Jake was born.  She later died during the Battle of Wolf when he served as Lieutenant Commander of the USS Saratoga in 2366.  It was this loss that made Sisko move to the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards to help design and engineer the Defiant Class Starship that would play a predominant role in his later life.

As a Starfleet officer, Benjamin Lafeyette Sisko was best remembered for his seven year command of Deep Space 9 in the Bajor sector were the Bajoran wormhole was located.  Even so, Sisko was a great strategist and excellent Captain of a series of Starships during a time when Starfleet was in many battles.  He fought the Borg as Captain of the USS Defiant and was a front line commander in the Dominion War ending his Starfleet career as the Captain of the USS Sao Paulo.  After a very long and eventful career with Starfleet, Benjamin finally in 2375 took up his rightful place with the Prophets of the Celestial Temple.

Kathryn Janeway

Kathryn Janeway was the daughter of a Starfleet Vic Admiral. She was born in Bloomington Indiana on Earth and grew up on her grandfather’s farm.  Her birthday was referenced from 2332 to 2344 as perhaps she did not want her real birth date known.  Her father raised her to be a doubter and a skeptic so that she would look at the world with a true eye of a scientist.  An ancestor of Janeway who was involved in the Millennium Gate project inspired her to join Starfleet.  Janeway studied chromolinguistics, American Sign Language and gestural idioms of the Leyron but she struggled with basic Kingonese.

At Starfleet Academy, Janeway was known as the coffee loving “Night Owl” as she trained to be a Science Officer.  As a Junior Science Officer she always envied that a captain had the privilege of making first contact with alien species.  Her first command was the USS Billings. She had a reputation of getting results in the field as an Commander that would make field trips.  By 2371, Janeway had command of the USS Voyager.

The USS Voyager would make up the majority of both Janeway’s life and career after finding Voyager transferred 70,000 light years across the galaxy from a sprocystian lifeform known as the Caretaker.  The Caretaker had pulled Voyager and the Val Jean who Voyager was chasing into the Delta Quadrant in order to see if any crew member might be a compatible mate.  The Caretaker’s condition deteriorated and he died before the ships could be returned to the Alpha Quadrant.  After some interaction with the hostile native species of the quadrant known as the Kazon, the crew of the two ships banded together on Voyager to make the seventy year scientific learning trip home.

Upon return to the Alpha Quadrant, Janeway was promoted to the rank of Vice Admiral.  One of her last assignments was to direct Captain Picard of the USS Enterprise-E on diplomatic missions to Romulus.  This was a fitting climax to a Starfleet Officer that once expressed a desire to serve alongside Captain Kirk and his crew of the Enterprise when space seemed “a whole lot bigger.”


Chakotay was born “upside down” in 2329 on a Federation Colony near the Cardassian Demilitarized Zone.  He was raised by his Native American father who considered him a “contrary” in his culture due to his birth position.  Chakotay’s family roots were on Earth.   He was a descendant of the Rubber Tree People who had Mayan roots.  Even though his father tried to teach Chakotay the native way of life, he resisted.  Chakotay’s father Kolopak was afraid that without Spirits to guide Chakatay he would lose his way in life. 
Chakotay left his tribe to attend Starfleet Academy at age fifteen and possessed great piloting skills.  He graduated in 2348 and became part of Starfleet’s Advanced Tactical Training group.  In 2368 he resigned after his father’s death to honour his father’s memory.  This led Chakotay on a spiritual journey which involved vision quests to meet with his father’s spirit.  He later joined the Maquis and became one of its leaders to resist both the Cardassians and the Federation in a fight for principle.  It was during this fight that he was on his ship, the Val Jean, which was transported to the Delta Quadrant by the Caretaker. 
Unknown to Chakotay was that one of his crew, Tuvok, was the Security Chief of the USS Voyager.  Voyager ended up following him to the Delta Quadrant in an attempt to locate the Val Jean.  When the crews of both ships came together in cooperation to fight both the Caretaker abduction and the ruthless Kazon people of the Delta Quadrant, Chakotay embraced Starfleet principles once again and became the First Officer of Voyager.  He was loyal to Captain Janeway and Starfleet and kept the peace establishing positive cooperation between his Maquis crew and the Starfleet crew in order to find a way home.
During an early attack by the Kamar in the Delta Quadrant, Chakotay was rendered brain dead as his neural energy was extracted into a disembodied Spirit.  As a Spirit, he eventually proved himself to the Voyager crew and used a medicine wheel to create a map out of the nebula.  His Spirit was eventually reunited with his body and his devotion to Voyager and Startfleet became very strong.  Chakotay, the only Starfleet Officer with one name, is believed to eventually became Captain of the Voyager upon its return.  The end of his life was a mixture of alternative timelines and alternative Chakotays as possibly his father’s fear of losing his way in life without spirits became true.  No one knows for sure.

Kira Nerys

Born in Dahjur Province on Bajor possibly in 2343, Kira lived a large part of her life in a refugee camp.  She was often in trouble as she had an interest in annoying adults.  A Cardassian occupation of Bajor affected Kira’s life making her become a rebel and member of the Bajorian Resistance by the age of 12.  After knowing nothing but violence, Kira eventually became a Colonel in the Bajoran Militia.

Nerys came to Deep Space 9 in 2369 as the Bajoran Liaison Officer.  She was very loyal to Bajor and just accepted the presence of the Federation as the federation secured her home world’s safety.  Even so, she did become the Second in Command on the space station as her life skills as a resistance fighter prevented many terrorist acts on the station as she understood how terrorist made plans.

Kira was very loyal to her friends.  She took upon the roll of surrogate mother for the O’Briens when Kieko O’Brien’s womb was injured in a runabout accident.  Giving birth made her want to find out more about her mother who she had been told “died” when she was young.  Kira used the Orb of Time to time travel to find out more about her history.  Time travel became a part of her life as alternative timelines played a role in her life when the USS Defiant travelled back in time.  It was during this time that Odo the Security Officer changeling showed his love for her by preventing her death.  Kira’s love relationship would remain as complex as her travels in time.
When the Dominion took over Deep Space 9, Kira Nerys remained to represent the Bajoran Government under the new Dominion Administration.  Nerys was a tactical thinker and planner who had a knack for problem solving with her early life experiences as a resistance fighter trained in ambush type guerilla warfare tactics. She played a part keeping the station intact and overcoming the Dominion.  Nerys was promoted to Starfleet Commander to help her overcome Cardassian distrust in the Cardassium Rebellion against the Dominion.  She had to put her deep feelings aside to help her childhood tormentors complete the war against the Dominion to restore peace.  As a result of all her lifelong efforts, Kira Nerys became the full time Commander of Deep Space 9.

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Natasha Yar

Lieutenant Natasha Yar, was called Tasha by the crew of the Enterprise.  She was a Human Starfleet Officer and Security Chief on the USS Enterprise-D.  Unfortunately, she was killed not even a year into the Enterprise’s mission.  She was remembered by the Enterprise crew and held deeply close to their hearts.

Tasha’s short life was filled with tragedies.   She was an orphan as her parents died when she was very young.  She lived on a devastating planet.  It was no surprise that she decided one day to leave her home forever and enter the Starfleet Academy. 

During training as a cadet, she went on a rescue mission and rescued a colonist.  This was noticed by Captain Picard and he was so impressed with her bravery that he decided to recruit her for duty on the Enterprise while she was still a cadet.  Tasha had the honour of piloting Captain Picard to the Enterprise in a shuttle craft for his first time stepping foot on the ship.  She was an excellent Security Chief and impressed many cultures by being a female Security Chief.  Tasha was kidnapped one time because of her beauty and martial art skills.  She eventually returned to the Enterprise and was reunited with her crew.

Tasha was killed in 2364 on the planet Vagra Two.  She was part of a faraway mission to rescue Deanna Troi and Ben Prieto who had crashed into a shuttle.  The crash survivor could not be rescued because of a life form on the planet known as the Armus.  When Tasha tried to walk around the Armus she was attacked and killed without any warning or cause because the Armus simply wanted to show his power.  Tragic as her life was, she will always be remembered in the hearts of the Enterprise crew.

Beverly Crusher

Commander Beverly Crusher was the Chief Medical Officer aboard the USS Enterprise under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard.  Crusher was born in Copernicus City on Earth’s moon on October 13, 2324.  She attended Starfleet Academy from 2342 to 2350.  She had a husband stationed on the USS Stargazer but he died when he was on a faraway mission.  Crusher mourned his death but never let this life event affect the performance of her duties.

Crusher left the Enterprise for a few years to become the Head of Starfleet Medical in 2365.  She enjoyed the adventure of Enterprise voyages so she returned to the ship a year later and remained in the field for the remainder of her career.

Doctor Crusher had to deal with many various epidemics aboard the Enterprise.  She had to come up with cures very fast as the epidemics spread very rapidly and as a person she could catch them too.  An example of one disease the Enterprise faced occurred when students returned from a field trip to a nearby planet.  When they came back, a terrible and deadly respiratory virus almost killed the whole crew. Crusher successfully found a cure before it was too late.

Crusher was a fully-certified Bridge Officer. She commanded the Enterprise on many occasions.  One time was in 2370 she commanded the Enterprise after a Borg attack when nearly the entire crew was on a Borg planet searching for Data. Her quick thinking during this command allowed the Enterprise to escape and destroy the Borg ship. Crusher helped keep the Enterprise safe from the Borg many times during her career.  Doctor Crusher was well known as a doctor that resisted the Borg by helping try  to cure those they rescued from the Borg.

Christine Chapel

Christine Chapel abandoned a career in bio-research for a position with Starfleet.  She succeeded in her goal by 2266 and was commissioned as an Ensign and assigned to the USS Enterprise, serving as Head Nurse under Enterprise Chief Medical Officer Dr. Leonard McCoy.  She was very helpful in assisting anyone on the Enterprise who was sick or needed attention when Dr. McCoy was not there.

By 2267, there were occasional times where Chapel was called upon to help other doctors.  Sometimes Dr. McCoy was her patient.  She was always supportive of Dr. McCoy when other people questioned his thinking and reliability to do his job.  Chapel helped when Dr. McCoy needed assistance or was out of ideas to save his crew when previously unseen medical conditions occurred.  One time, she even helped find a method to stop the rapid aging from radiation a comet was giving off that the Enterprise crew was studying.

There was a time in 2268 when Dr.McCoy greatly confused Chapel as well as put her in danger.  Dr.McCoy brought Spock back from a faraway mission and thought he was dying but Nurse Chapel figured out that she could cure Spock.  She did not know that Spock was doing this on purpose with a special Vulcan trans technique.  Spock was making a dangerous alien race, the Kelvans, think he became seriously ill being near them so they would leave the Enterprise crew.  It was by luck that Nurse Chapel figured out what was happening and allowed Spock to continue his plan successfully.

Chapel gained the rank of Commander in her latter career and eventually worked at Starfleet Headquarters.  She helped when relief efforts for alien species were requested of Starfleet.