Wednesday 12 March 2014


Lieutenant Commander Data was a Soong-type Android, the first and only such being to ever enter Starfleet.  Data was created around 2330 and was destroyed in 2379 because he sacrificed himself so that the crew of the USS Enterprise could survive.  One of Data’s most famous quotes was “I chose to believe that I was a person, that I had the potential to become more than a collection of circuits and sub-processors.” 

Data was a machine but he aspired to be more human.  He had some failing results.  Data tried to use humour and romance which sometimes worked.  Romance never seemed to work out for Data.  He mostly had problems using contractions in speech.  Data was the fifth of six complex Androids known to have been built.  

Data was a Starfleet Officer for many years before he became the Operations and Second Officer of the Enterprise.  Data often took the night shift as he did not need sleep and could work 24-7 without rest.  Data was recognized as a machine and some people did not think he should have rights as a human.  Some people only felt he was  property to the Federation almost like a slave.  But all those who had such thoughts were proven wrong when they wanted to take Data apart for scientific reasons as it was determined that he was his own life form and a race within himself.  

Data died in 2370 to save the Enterprise from a deadly weapon that would have destroyed the whole Enterprise.  Before he died, he transferred all of his memories to a test model Android which was not as advanced as him and could not communicate as well as he could because he could not create full sentences.  It was suggested Data was reincarnated in the test model Android’s body by using Data’s memories but the test model Android was not Data as Data was unique.

Geordi La Forge

La Forge was born on February 16th, 2335 in Mogadishu, Somalia in an African Confederation, on Earth.  Both of Geordi’s parents were Starfleet Officers.  His parents were Captain Silva La Forge and the noted exozoologist Commander Edward M. La Forge.  La Forge was born with a birth defect which left him blind.  When he was five years old Geordi received a special visor which allowed him to see.  He could not see as humans see, but he could see better than them.  

During his early career La Forge attended Starfleet Academy from 2353 to 2357.  His first deep space assignment was as an Ensign aboard the USS Victory.  La Forge later transferred to the USS Hood.  This is where he met Commander William T. Riker, the First Officer of the Enterprise.  La Forge was transferred to the Enterprise when he was a pilot.  He showed his skill and expertise when he fixed the engine efficiency of the Starship when Captain Picard complained it was not right. 

In 2365, La Forge was promoted to a full Lieutenant and transferred from the Command Division to the Operations Division and was named Chief Engineer.  His abilities and cooperative leadership made him an outstanding and very well recognized Senior Officer.

During his latter career, La Forge was able to see without his visor.  He received ocular implants which could do the same thing as the visor without a visor sticking out of his head.  His greatest dream was to see with his own eyes.  He was temporarily able to see once as a human when he was on a far away mission when the planet had metaphysic radiation which helped re-grow his actual eyes temporarily.  La Forge never regretted not having any vision and used his technical improvements to his defective vision to help him do more than people with normal vision abilities.


Worf was born in 2340 on the Klingon home world.  He was the son of Mogh, who was related to one of the great houses in the Klingon Empire.  At a young age, Worf was on a ritual hunt and received a scar from a beast which mauled him.  Worf kept this memory with him for the rest of his life.  Worf’s parents were killed during a battle at Khitomer.  Almost all the citizens and people Worf knew died during that battle.  After the battle, Worf was raised by a Chief Petty Officer of the Starship USS Intrepid which lead to him to join the Starfleet Academy.

In 2364, Worf was assigned as a Command Division Bridge Officer on the USS Enterprise, under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard.  Worf spent most of his first year on the Enterprise as a Relief Officer for the Conn and other bridge stations.  As a Starfleet Officer, Worf  had special permission to wear his Klingon warrior’s sash over his uniform.

Following the death of the Enterprise's Chief Tactical and Security Officer, Warf was promoted to this role and also received the full rank of Lieutenant.  He was a very important officer to the Enterprise.  On his first mission, he had to take command of the saucer module while the other half of the crew went on to complete the mission.  He was a true Starfleet Officer that would sacrifice himself to keep the Enterprise safe.

During Worf’s latter career, he worked at Deep Space 9 and took the USS Defiant on many missions.  Worf helped Starfleet win many battles during the war against the Dominion.  Worf eventually went back to the Enterprise and served with his old crew mates.  On one of his final missions on the Enterprise, Worf and his crew were fighting the traditional Klingon enemy, the Romulans, who were not part of the Empire and he over came his life long grudge against them because he said “they fought with honour”.

Deanna Troi

Deanna Troi was a half-Betazoid, half-Human Starfleet Officer.  She served on the USS Enterprise D and E and during her latter career Troi transferred to the USS Titan.  As a half-Betazoid, Troi was capable of extra-sensory empathy but could not read the minds of aliens with brain structures different from Humans and other Betazoids.  She was very helpful on the Enterprise with mental health issues of the crew.  She often was very valuable when negotiating with other hostile races.  She could tell if others were lying to her and helped the Enterprise Senior Officers in many stressful and suspenseful situations.

Troi was born on March 29, 2336, near Lake El’nar on the planet Batazed to Ambassador Lwaxana Troi and Starfleet Officer Ian Andrew Troi.  Troi had a sister named Kestra who died when Troi was a very young child. 

Troi entered into Starfleet Academy in 2355 and graduated in 2359, majoring in psychology.  She had the rank of Lieutenant Commander and was the Councillor for the Enterprise for many years.  Troi could sense emotion and fear in other ships whether they were enemies or allies.  Also, when the crew of the Enterprise was away on missions, she could sense if they were doing well and report to the captain if the communicators were not functioning.  Her senses were much more advanced than the technology of Starfleet communicators even if the communication was non verbal.

Deanna Troi married William T. Riker during the latter part of her Starfleet career.  Troi and Riker knew each other for many years.  They first met on her home planet when Riker was stationed there as a Lieutenant.  Lieutenant Riker wanted to pursue his career so Troi followed him to the Enterprise when Riker became a Commander.