Tuesday 25 February 2014

William T. Riker

William T. Riker was born in 2335 in Alaska, on Earth.  Riker was very well known for his long assignment as First Officer serving under Captain Jean-Luc Picard on the USS Enterprise.  In 2379, he became a Commanding Officer as Captain of the USS Titan.
Captain Riker went on many missions. On one occasion, he was in a transporter accident which resulted in two Rikers with identical personalities and memories.  One Riker eventually decided to use his middle name and became know as Thomas Riker. 
When Captain Riker was promoted to Commander of the new Enterprise, he was forced with a task as soon as he was on board.  The Enterprise was threatened by an entity called the Q.  The Q continuum was impressed by Riker and decided to give him powers but Riker gave them up because they were not real.

Riker was temporarily promoted to Captain when Captain Picard was taken by the Borg.  Riker destroyed the Borg cube and helped save Captain Picard in the process.  In 2379, he married the ship’s Councillor Deanna Troi.  He then assumed the command of the USS Titan.

Jean-Luc Picard

Jean-Luc Picard was a Starfleet Officer, Archeologist and Diplomat who served during the later half of the twenty-fourth century.  He was born in La Barre, France on July 13, 2305.  He commanded three vessels in his career: USS Stargazer, USS Enterprise-D and the USS Enterprise-E.  Picard was a Captain for many years. 

Shortly upon graduation in 2327, Picard’s promising career almost ended when he was stabbed through his heart. He had to undergo immediate surgery to replace his heart so that he would not die.  This life and death experience taught him how to take risks and learn to understand how fragile life can be each day.  Captain Picard had many life and death scenarios he had to face throughout his whole Starfleet career. 
In 2355, the Stargazer was seriously damaged and it was later discovered that it was a Ferengi ship that was disabling it. Captain Picard used the Stargazer’s warp engines to disable the Ferengi attack.  This strategy was later named the Picard Manoeuver. As a result of this attack, Captain Picard and his crew were forced to abandon their ship. 

In 2364, Captain Picard was assigned command of the newly-commissioned Galaxy-Class Starship USS Enterprise-D, which was the most prestigious command in Starfleet.  Captain Picard was in command of the USS Enterprise for seven years.  This was one of Starfleet’s finest flag ships.  Captain Picard was one of the finest and most recognized leaders on Starfleet.

Pavel Chekov

Chekov was a Human who served as a Starfleet Officer during the later part of the twenty-third century.  He was born in Russia on Earth in the year 2245. Chekov was very well known for his dedication to his job as a Navigator for the USS Enterprise.  Chekov was part of a five year mission under the command of Captain Kirk.  He was a Junior Officer and was always doing odd jobs all over the ship. 

During his short leave on a Deep Space station Chekov brought a tribble onto the Enterprise which reproduced so fast the ship became overrun by them in just three days.  He also got into a bar fight at the Deep Space Station and was arrested by security from the Enterprise.  He was interrogated by Captain Kirk and Scotty admitted that he himself was the one who started the fight so as a result, Chekov did not get in as much trouble.  During that same mission Scotty found a humane way to get rid of the tribbles by beaming them over to a Klingon ship.

During Chekov’s later career, he was posted as Second Officer, Navigator and Security Chief of the Enterprise-A.  In 2293, he took the Enterprise on its last cruise with her old bridge crew.  On one of his last voyages in 2293, Commander Chekov was a guest of honour aboard the new USS Enterprise-B during its maiden voyage when Captain Kirk went missing presumably swept into space.

Hikaru Sulu

Sulu was a Human Starfleet Officer born in the year 2237 in the city of San Francisco, Earth. Sulu was well known for his role as Chief Helmsman of the Starship USS Enterprise. On a few occasions, as a Senior Officer, he was allowed to be the temporary Captain of the Enterprise when Captain Kirk and First Officer Spock were away on missions. Later on in his career, Sulu was promoted to the Commanding Officer of the USS Excelsior, and was widely known as a tactical genius.

Sulu faced many challenging obstacles during his career on Starfleet. One obstacle occurred when he helped Admiral Kirk and his senior staff steal the Enterprise from Earth’s space dock to save their friend Spock who was on a distant planet. This was an example of how Sulu would break many rules to save those he worked with and respected on Starfleet. He was a loyal officer not only to Starfleet but to his friends. Working together with his fellow long time crew members to save Spock was one of the most important events that happened in his life that changed him into a better person. This life experience made Sulu become an outstanding Commanding Officer in his field.

In 2290, Sulu was promoted to the rank of Captain and offered the command of the USS Excelsior. Captain Sulu was still very loyal to his old crew and even stopped his three year mission to help Kirk and Dr. McCoy when they were accused of a crime by the Klingons. Sulu put his crew in danger to save the men he had served with during half of his life. Captain Janeway of the Starship Voyager said many years later that "Captain Sulu, Captain Kirk, Doctor McCoy.... belonged to a different breed of Starfleet officers."

Wednesday 12 February 2014

James Tiberius Kirk

James Tiberius Kirk was a human who lived in the United States of America in the twenty third century. He was born on March 22, 2233 (Stardate 1277.1) in Iowa on Earth. James Kirk was one of the most famous Star Trek leading characters of all time. Throughout Starfleet history, he was very highly recognized as a Starfleet Officer.

Captain Kirk was part of a five year science mission "to go where no man has gone before". When he was thirty two years of age, he assumed command of the Constitution-Class Starship USS Enterprise (NCC-1701). Kirk made the first major step in exploring the universe with his mission statement "to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life....".

In Kirk’s later career, he was promoted to Admiral making him the youngest Admiral in Starfleet. Kirk never followed the rules and lost his rank as Admiral. Kirk became a Starship Captain again and saved Earth when an entity threatened the existence of the planet.

Later in life, he was given a new USS Enterprise to command and explore new worlds, which is what he did best. Kirk always got the job done no matter how hard or impossible it was for him to succeed.


Spock, with the unusual pointed ears, is very well known on Star Trek as Captain Kirk’s Science Officer. Spock was a half human/Vulcan hybrid who became a very respected figure in the United Federation of Planets. He was born 2230 in the city of Shi’Kahr on the planet Vulcan.
Spock lived his life based on logic, as every Vulcan does. He always meditated and predicted precents of an outcome, helping make the best rational choice in a challenging situation. Spock
always helped his crew to see that his view was justified and logical.
Vulcans have a very long lifespan and can outlive humans for decades. In the early 2285, Spock acted as a hero and fixed the plasma conduits from inside the reactor of the Enterprise. In Spock’s mind, the need of the many outweighs the need of the individual. Spock always put the crew first. Perhaps this was his human side showing through his logical Vulcan traits.

Spock died from the reactor radiation but was saved by an experiment gone wrong called Genesis. We do not know much about Spock’s life after this because he disappeared.

Montgomery Scott

Montgomery Scott was referred to as "Scotty" by his shipmates. Scotty was the colourful Chief Engineer of the USS Enterprise and the USS Enterprise-A. Scotty always impressed others with his engineering and technical skills. Scotty was born in 2222 in Great Britain on Earth. He began his Starfleet career in 2241.

When Scotty was the Chief Engineer under Captain Kirk on the Enterprise, he also served as a Second Officer. The USS Enterprise was the first ship where he was the Chief Engineer. He helped save the lives of the crew many times through his engineering skill.

In 2270 Scotty helped to refit the Enterprise. Later on in 2285, Scotty was promoted and reassigned to the Captain of Engineering of the USS Excelsior. Scotty was recognized for his work and was very well known in Starfleet. But Scotty also liked his Scotch whisky and got in trouble many times when on his short leaves from the ship.

Leonard McCoy

Leonard McCoy was a physician and scientist during the twenty-third and twenty-fourth centuries. He was born on star date 2227 in the "Old South" region of North America. Dr. McCoy was well known and respected because of his work as the Chief Medical Officer on the USS Enterprise. McCoy was very well known for his famous line, "I’m a doctor."

Dr. McCoy frequently displayed a very love/hate attitude towards technology during his time. Although he was a great believer in the body’s own natural ability to heal and felt that a little suffering was good for the soul, he broke the prime directive and helped an old lady stay alive when he went back in time to try to help his crew save the earth of the future. McCoy was a true doctor that wanted to save lives. 

While technically only Lieutenant Commander in rank on the Enterprise, Dr. McCoy was the only person who could talk back to the Captain and get away with it. Although not without an apology when he was wrong, he displayed a unique individuality. He was always ready to be just an "old fashioned country doctor" with an opinion.